Wirovest®plus – Enhanced version of Wirovest® partial denture investment material
- Wirovest®plus offers the benefits of extended working time and universal suitability for duplication within all conceivable areas of indication.
- Wirovest®plus is a partial denture investment material which achieves excellent accuracy of fit with a wide range of duplication techniques and working parameters.
- Extended working time enables fabrication of several models and moulds in a single working step, thus saving time.
- Very smooth surfaces ensure equally smooth casting results.
- Precise duplicate models with high edge strength make for easy modelling and exactly fitting castings, without the need for timeconsuming finishing.
- The good deflasking properties reduce the effort required in deflasking and simplify the cleaning of the cast object.
- BegoSol® Mixing liquid for simple expansion control.
Item Code: BEG54821L
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